Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week of 2/29/16-3/4/16

MONDAY: Ch. 7 Vocabulary; Track workout and abs
TUESDAY: Ch. 7 Note Packet; Student led workout
WEDNESDAY: Ch. 7 note review; Pacers and field workout
THURSDAY: Portfolio completion; Student led workout
FRIDAY: Turn in Portfolio; Final exam study guides; Fitness Test- Pacers (25/35)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Monday- Ch. 5 Vocabulary; Start creating one week eating plan; Mile run (if weather permits)
Tuesday- Ch. 5 note packet completion and discussion; Student led workout
Wednesday- Create one week workout plan; Start the movie "Fat Boy Chronicles"
Thursday- Complete "Fat Boy Chronicles"; Student led workout

Friday- Ch. 5 Test; Finish writing movie analyzations; Fitness Test- 1.5 laps jogged; leg workout.