Monday, March 27, 2017

Rubric for Ch. 4 Nutrient Project


PRESENTATION:                                                                                                   65 pts.

5 minutes                                                                                             ______            10 pts.

Content Knowledge (not just reading but explaining)                        ______            25 pts.

Organization (info., invested time, flow of presentation)                   ______            20 pts.

Eye Contact (connecting with audience)                                            ______            5 pts.

Voice & Diction                                                                                 ______            5 pts.
(speaking clearly, voice projected, proper etiquette)

VISUAL AIDES:                                                                                                      35 pts.
(technology and display)

Relevant Info                                                                                      ______            5 pts.

Multiple visuals (not just a power point)                                            ______            15 pts.

Neatness & Organization & Creativity/Uniqueness                           ______            15 pts.
(invested time in final product)