Sunday, October 16, 2016

week of 10/17/16-10/21/16


This week we will continue the unit on reproduction. 

MONDAY: Daily Warm-up; Complete discussion on Ch. 16 notes using power point which includes male and female reproductive problems and the endocrine system; Watch video clip.

TUESDAY: Daily Warm-up; Worksheet-female mutilation;  Cooperative learning card activity; Peer-to-peer education activity. 

WEDNESDAY: Daily Warm-up;  Ch.16 Test; Ch. 17 Vocab. 

THURSDAY: Daily Warm-up; Watch "The Miracle of Life"; Intro to mini-project for this chapter.

FRIDAY: Daily Warm-up; Turn in OR#3; Ch. 17 notes; Group work on project. 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Week of 9/2616-9/30/16

MONDAY: Warm-up; Complete ADAP; Ch. 20 notes review and discussion; Get with a partner to create a anti-smoking campaign using your assigned ingredient. 

TUESDAY: Warm-up; Complete ADAP; 3rd Block-Ch. 21 Test; Ch. 20 notes review and discussion; Get with a partner to create a anti-smoking campaign using your assigned ingredient. 

Personal Fitness: Complete Ch. 2 lesson 2 notes; Finish "The Half-ton Killer"; Run Pacers; Work with workout partners on exercise routine.

WEDNESDAY: Warm-up; Test on ADAP material; Complete Ch. 20 lesson 2 notes; Finish Anti-cigarette ads/commercials.
THURSDAY: Warm-up; Test on ADAP material; Complete Ch. 20 lesson 2 notes; Finish Anti-cigarette ads/commercials.

FRIDAY:Warm-up; health article #3; Ch. 20 lesson 3 notes; Finish and present campaign ads. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Week of 9/12/16-9/16/16

Image result for alcohol symptoms

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Warm-up (Myths about alcohol); Work on mini-project (collage of alcohol advertisement-perception and fact); Review lesson 1 and 2 of chapter notes.
WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY: Warm-up; complete mini-project with partner and begin presenting.
FRIDAY: Warm-up; Health Article #1 is due; Complete presentations; complete notes for Ch. 21.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Health Week of 8/15/16

MONDAY & TUESDAY: Daily opening; Chapter 5 notes; Turn in brochures; Start PSA's on mental disorders.
WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY: Daily opening; Complete PSA's; 
FRIDAY: Daily opening; Writing Prompt #1; Group activity; Video Clip on teen depression and suicide. 

Personal Fitness Week of 8/15/16

Welcome to Personal Fitness and Health!!!! I hope that everyone is ready to begin your journey towards a healthier lifestyle....consider me your personal trainer!!! I look forward to working with each and every one of you!!!

We will begin this week with the following:

Monday: Class introductions; Syllabus Review; Pre-assessment

Wednesday: Ch. 1 Terminology; Opening (Ch. 1 vocab review); First Day of dressing out to begin pre-assessment items (mile run); Closing (identfying exercises with the muscles that they work).

Friday: Opening-review vocab and muscles; Ch. 1 Notes; Introduction to the muscular system (worksheet and discussion); Complete pre-assessment items (Pacer, continue other assessments not completed); Writing prompt (class expectations, goals); Closing.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week of 5/9/16-5/13/16

Monday: Complete project presentations 
Tuesday: Daily warm-up; Complete Ch. 22 notes; Watch "Drugs Inc"
Wednesday: Daily warm-up; Watch "Drugs Inc"; Review Ch. 22 
Thursday: Daily warm-up; Ch. 22 test
Friday: Daily warm-up; Complete final exam study guide

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week of 5/2/16-5/6/16

Monday: Daily warm-up; Review Ch. 20 & 21; Get with groups to continue group preparations for presentations.
Tuesday: Daily warm-up; Ch. 20 & 21 Test; Get with groups to continue group preparations for presentations.
Wednesday: Daily warm-up; Complete Ch. 22 note packet; Get with groups to continue group preparations for presentations.
Thursday: Daily warm-up; Get with groups to continue group preparations for presentations.
Friday: Present projects

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week of 4/25/16-4/29/16

MONDAY: Warm-up; Ch. 20 notes review and discussion; Get with a partner to create a anti-smoking campaign using your assigned ingredient. 

TUESDAY: Warm-up; Ch. 21 notes review and discussion; complete anti-smoking ads. 

WEDNESDAY: Warm-up; Class will conduct research for upcoming project.  

THURSDAY: Warm-up; Ch. 20 & 21 Test, Ch. 22 vocabulary

FRIDAY:Warm-up; Outside reading #5; Ch. 22 note packet; 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week of 4/18/16-4/22/16

MONDAY: Daily Warm up; Finish presenting Ch. 16 mini-lessons; Ch. 16 Test

TUESDAY: Daily Warm up; Complete Ch. 17 vocabulary and notes; Start the movie "Mom at 16" or "Pregnancy Pact"

WEDNESDAY: Daily Warm up; Ch. 17 Review; Watch "Miracle of Life"

THURSDAY: Daily Warm up; Ch. 20 and 21 vocabulary; Rubric for mini-project; Note packet for Ch. 20 & 21

FRIDAY: Daily Warm up; Turn in OR #4; Discuss tobacco; Watch lesson on the effects of tobacco on your body. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Week on 4/11/16-4/15/16


This week the unit on reproduction. 

MONDAY: Daily Warm-up; Review Ch. 5 Notes; Ch. 16 Vocabulary; Male and female reproductive system diagrams; Watch video clip on the male reproductive system.

TUESDAY: Daily Warm-up; Ch. 5 Test; Watch video clip on the female reproductive system; Worksheet-female mutilation;  Cooperative learning card activity; Peer-to-peer education activity. 

WEDNESDAY: Daily Warm-up; Cooperative learning card activity; Peer-to-peer education activity.  ; Ch. 17 Vocab. 

THURSDAY: Daily Warm-up;  Ch. 16 Test; Watch "The Miracle of Life"; Intro to mini-project for this chapter.

FRIDAY: Daily Warm-up; Turn in OR#3; Ch. 17 notes; Group work on project. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016


MONDAY: Daily warm-up; Work on PSA's on depression, child abuse, bullying, relationship abuse, suicide; Ch. 5 lesson 1 and 2 review; Introduce brochures to 1st and 2nd Blocks & complete rough draft. 

TUESDAY: Daily warm-up; Ch. 5 lesson 3 & 4 review and discussion; Brochure 

WEDNESDAY: Daily warm-up; Present Ch. 5 PSA presentations; Ch 5 Test

THURSDAY: Daily-warm-up; Ch. 16 Vocabulary; Complete and discuss diagrams of the reproductive systems. 

FRIDAY: Daily warm-up; Turn in OR #2; Ch. 16 notes and discussion.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week of 3/21/16-3/25/16

MONDAY: Daily opening; Ch. 27 vocabulary and note review; Video permission slips
TUESDAY: Daily opening; Complete Ch. 27 Test; Ch. 5 vocabulary
WEDNESDAY: Daily opening; Ch. 5 notes; Ch. 5 brochure creation
THURSDAY: Daily opening; Finish the brochure; Start  the movie "The Afflicted"
FRIDAY: Daily opening; Turn in outside reading #1; Finish "The Afflicted" if not finished on yesterday; Group activity; Video Clip on teen depression and suicide. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Week of 3/14/16-3/18/16

MONDAY: Pre-assessment; Syllabus review; CPR steps; Demo of CPR

TUESDAY: Activator; review of standards; Intro to Health topics; Ch. 27 vocabulary; Quiz on basic safety knowledge

WEDNESDAY: Daily Warm-up; Ch. 27 notes; Bear Grylls safety/"What Would You Do" Videos.

THURSDAY: Daily Warm-up; Complete Ch. 27 notes; begin CPR demo on manikins and partner check offs; Bear Grylls safety/"What Would You Do" Videos; Discuss rubric on safety brochure. 

FRIDAY: Daily Warm-up; Manikin check-off with teacher; AED video review; Bear Grylls safety/"What Would You Do" Videos; Outside Reading #1; Create safety brochure;

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Week of 3/7/16-3/11/16

20 Exercise Benefits






Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week of 2/29/16-3/4/16

MONDAY: Ch. 7 Vocabulary; Track workout and abs
TUESDAY: Ch. 7 Note Packet; Student led workout
WEDNESDAY: Ch. 7 note review; Pacers and field workout
THURSDAY: Portfolio completion; Student led workout
FRIDAY: Turn in Portfolio; Final exam study guides; Fitness Test- Pacers (25/35)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Monday- Ch. 5 Vocabulary; Start creating one week eating plan; Mile run (if weather permits)
Tuesday- Ch. 5 note packet completion and discussion; Student led workout
Wednesday- Create one week workout plan; Start the movie "Fat Boy Chronicles"
Thursday- Complete "Fat Boy Chronicles"; Student led workout

Friday- Ch. 5 Test; Finish writing movie analyzations; Fitness Test- 1.5 laps jogged; leg workout.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week of 2/1/16-2/5/16

MONDAY: Daily Warm-up; Ch. 3 game review; assign groups for Ch. 4 project; HR calculation; stadium/obstacle workouts (if weather permits); Station workouts in class (if weather doesn't permit).
TUESDAYDaily Warm-up; Chapter 3 Test; student led workouts; group consultations for Ch. 4 project and rubric review.
WEDNESDAYDaily Warm-up; Ch. 4 vocabulary; P90X or Insa.ity'
THURSDAYDaily Warm-up; Chapter 4 notes; Student led workout
FRIDAY: Daily Warm-up; WP#4; Get in groups to work on Nutrient Projects; Fitness Test- Sit-ups 25 and push-ups 15/25.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Week of 1/25/16-1/29/16

MONDAY: Complete Ch. 3 vocabulary; Pacers 20/25; Ab workout; WP#2
TUESDAY: Target Heart Rate calculation; complete Ch. 3 notes; view first half of the "half-ton killer" and write reflection; student led workout.
WEDNESDAY: Finish "Half-ton Killer"; Review Ch. 3; mile run
THURSDAY: Ch. 3 Test; Student led workout
FRIDAY: Ch. 4 vocabulary; FT- 1 lap jogged; plank/pushups

Monday, January 18, 2016

Week of 1/19-1/22/16

TUESDAY: Chapter 2 notes completed via fill-in-the-blank notes; Start recording food intake and exercise on Fooducate; Student led workouts (if one is scheduled) or class station workouts.
WEDNESDAY: Chapter 2 vocabulary quiz; Ch. 2 mini-project; station workout x 2.
THURSDAY: Ch. 2 Test; Pacer; Push-ups in the gym; Student-led workouts.
FRIDAY: Turn in mini-projects; Chapter 3 vocabulary; WP#2; Fitness Test- 1 lap jogged around the track non-stop or a 4 minute run in gym. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Week of 1/11/16-1/15/16

Monday: Completion of Ch. 1 notes; Run Pacer
Tuesday: Group practice and discussion for fitness groups; Muscle Quiz; Calculate Target HR; gym workout (agility, stadium jog x 2).
Wednesday: Ch. 1 Test; Group meeting/turn in workout plan; in class station workout
Thursday:  Start Ch. 2 Vocabulary & Notes; Pushup/Situp combination; Walk/jog combination.
Friday: WP #1; Continuation of Ch. 2 Notes & Vocabulary; Fitness Test- 25 situps; 10/15 push-ups

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Week of 1/4/16-1/8/16

Hope that you all had a magnificent Holiday Break!!!

Welcome to Personal Fitness and Health!!!! I hope that everyone is ready to begin your journey towards a healthier lifestyle....consider me your personal trainer!!! I look forward to working with each and every one of you!!!

We will begin this week with the following:

Monday: Student Holiday

Tuesday: Schedule check; Class introductions; Opening (basic fitness knowledge); Ch. 1 Terminology; Pre-assessment

Wednesday: Opening (Ch. 1 vocab review); First Day of dressing out to begin pre-assessment items (mile run); Closing (identfying exercises with the muscles that they work).

Thursday: Ch. 1 lessons 1 & 2 notes; Calculating target heart rate; Pre-assessment testing (height, weight, situps, pushups. BMI).

Friday: Opening-review vocab and muscles; Ch. 1 Notes; Introduction to the muscular system (worksheet and discussion); Complete pre-assessment items (Pacer, continue other assessments not completed); Writing prompt (class expectations, goals); Closing.