Monday, January 28, 2019

Digital Learning Day Assignment

Health Digital Learning Day Assignment

Using your electronic device, video yourself teaching a 5 minute lesson on a chosen topic that we covered in Chapter 5. During this lesson, you will need to include the following:

-          Describe your topic

-          Use key vocabulary/terms

-          Explain the impact that it has on an individual’s health (all aspects of health)

-          Ways to get help (provide resources)

-          Find an article that is related to your topic, and share a brief synopsis/summary about what took place. Use resources such as web based articles to find a relative story.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Week 2 (1/14/19-1/18/19)

1/14/19: Health classes
-Video Warm-up on stress and how it affects your physical health.
-Ch. 5 lesson 1 notes
-Begin rough draft on mental health brochures

1/15/19: Personal Fitness classes

-Complete pre-assessment
-Ch. 1 notes Lesson 1
-Complete Pacer or Mile run; Sit and Reach

1/16/19: Health classes
-Ch. 5 lesson 2 notes
-Complete rough drafts for brochure and start on final draft

1/17/19: Personal Fitness classes
-Ch. 1 lesson 2 notes
-Complete Pacer or Mile run; Situps/Curl-ups and Push-ups/minute

1/18/19: Health classes
-Ch. 5 lesson 3 notes
-Complete brochures

Personal Fitness Syllabi Spring Sem. 2019

Personal Fitness
 Coach Bynum-Isler
Blog Address:

I.                    Course Description
Personal Fitness is a graduation requirement.  Personal Fitness will focus on fitness components with emphasis on developing wellness and establishing attitudes that lead to lifelong healthy habits. The units that are studied in Ninth and Tenth Grade Physical Education support the three fundamental concepts of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program:

Each teacher examines their unit designs, classroom practices, assessment policies & practices, and management & leadership activities to assure that their attention is focused on the processes and outcomes of their students’ learning.

Unit 1- Guidelines, Goals, Safety, Principles of Training, Skill-Related Fitness
Unit Questions- How is personal fitness essential to improving the overall quality of life?  How can you apply the training principles of overload, progression and specificity in a fitness program?  How can skill-related fitness improve the ability to perform moderate physical activity on a regular basis?
                Assessment Criteria- Knowledge and Understanding, Performance
Significant Concept- We start each year by reviewing key concepts the students should retain from their previous year, along with reviewing the guidelines of fitness, health concerns, lifestyle behaviors, and risk factors.  The activities are designed to illustrate for students the connections between their lifestyle behaviors and fitness levels.

Unit 2- Cardiovascular Fitness and Flexibility
Unit Question- What is the importance of cardiorespiratory fitness to lifetime wellness?  What is flexibility, and describe its importance as a component of health related physical fitness?
                Assessment Criteria- Movement Composition, Performance
Significant Concept- The focus of this unit is to analyze the importance of achieving cardiorespiratory fitness and flexibility.  Students will learn to exercise in the target heart rate zone in order to achieve a cardiorespiratory training effect.  Flexibility is the ability to move body joints through a full range of motion.  Stretching exercises can improve the flexibility of a joint that has a limited range of motion. 

Unit 3- Muscular Strength and Endurance
Unit Question- How can improving your muscular fitness make everyday tasks of living, work, and recreation easier and more enjoyable?
                Assessment Criteria-Knowledge and Understanding, Performance
Significant Concept- Weight training helps you maintain strong bones and muscles as you age.  It is a great way to improve yourself image, help control your weight and enhance your performance in sports and other activities.  Weight training is a lifetime activity.

Unit 4- Nutrition and Body Composition
Unit Question- What is the relationship of good nutrition to achieving a high level of physical fitness and how can you achieve it through a balanced, healthy diet?
                Assessment Criteria- Knowledge and Understanding
Significant Concept- Making wise food choices is the key to good nutrition. By using the Food Guide Pyramid in making your food selections, you can be assured that your diet will contain the appropriate vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.  By avoiding low nutrient foods and selecting healthy choices for meals and snacks you will be on the way to having the energy for your daily activities including exercise, fitness and playing sports.

Methodology- Students will work individually or as a member of a group.  They will receive direct instruction or will have to research and report on their learning.  They will read, participate in projects, formulate creative solutions, and write and reflect on their work depending on the unit.

III.          Methods of assessment- A wide variety of assessments are used to gauge the success of Riverwood students. These assessments can be formative or summative. At Riverwood, assessment is viewed as a continuous process that allows students, parents and teachers to have the best and most accurate information about student achievement. In this class, teachers utilize formative forms of assessment to determine student understanding. These assessments occur often during each unit. At the end of each unit a summative assessment is utilized to gauge student understanding. The summative assessment is a test, an essay, or a project assessed against the MYP criteria which allows the student, parents, and teacher to better understand student progress throughout the program. 

                Personal Fitness letter grades will be calculated using the following percentages: 
                - 25%    Participation
                - 25%    Fitness Testing (Every Friday)
                - 15%    Dressing Out
                - 15%    Tests
                - 10%    Classwork / Writing Assignment
                - 10%    Final Exam

-To include classwork/homework (1 per unit), project, articles (4 plus 1 presentation)

-15 points per day. 5 points for dressing out and 10 points for participation.

 IV.         Medical Policy:
If the student has a medical condition, a Physician’s statement/note is required when a student needs to modify his/her participation due to medical reasons. These are the ONLY notes that will be honored. Notes need to outline when the student can return to participation and what type of physical activity can be completed during the time he/she is under medical care.

Short Term Medical – a written medical report abstract needs to be obtained from me. The report will detail information on what replacement activities or work is needed to receive credit/grade for the days missed due to the medical condition.

Extended Medical – may jeopardize credits needed for graduation and need to be handled through myself, student’s counselor, and physician recommendations.

- Appropriate clothing for dressing out.
- Personal hygiene items (deodorant, baby wipes, etc.)
- School supplies: paper, binder or notebook, pencil, pen.

1.             Come to class on time and bring necessary materials (notebook, pen, pencil, paper)

2.             No food, drinks, gum, or candy allowed in the classroom or gym. WATER ONLY!!!

3.           Students will have 6 minutes at the beginning of the class block to get dressed. If your late you will have to obtain a tardy pass.

4.           Once released to get dress following the workout, you will have 6 minutes to dress and return back to class for roll call. If you fail to return, you will be considered skipping.

5.             Respect yourself and others. Respect individual differences.

6.             If it is not yours, DO NOT TOUCH IT!!!!

7.             If you do not dress out YOU WILL NOT sit down and do nothing, you will be required to walk the entire time.

8.             A written Physician note is required for exemption from workouts due to illness or injuries outlining specific restrictions.

9.             Having an electronic device out any time during a test/exam/quiz without permission will result in an automatic zero and confiscation of phone.

10.          Use restroom before start of fitness activity.  “I forgot” “I didn’t have time” will be no excuses and student will lose points.

Health Syllabi Spring Sem. 2019

Coach Bynum-Isler
Blog Address:

I.          Course Description
Health Education is a graduation requirement.  Health will focus on total wellness of the individual with emphasis on mental/emotional and social health.  All units will emphasize making decisions and practicing behaviors based upon sound health knowledge and healthful attitudes.  Through this course we hope to develop internationally minded people who exemplify the traits found in the Learner Profile.  The units that are studied in Ninth and Tenth Grade Physical Education support the three fundamental concepts of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program:

Holistic learning – students discover ways in which Physical Education is related to all other subjects.  They also learn that the strategies they develop using decision making skills and practicing behaviors based upon sound health knowledge and healthful attitudes are those that will be used throughout their lives.
Intercultural awareness – through their study of Physical Education, students discover the importance of total health or wellness of the individual with emphasis on physical, mental/emotional, and social health. They gain an understanding and appreciation for the many cultures that have contributed to the body of knowledge which they study.
Communication – students will be encouraged to be active learners who can communicate their knowledge to others. They will utilize both movement and verbal forms of communication through multiple modes of activity.

Each teacher examines their unit designs, classroom practices, assessment policies & practices, and management & leadership activities to assure that their attention is focused on the processes and outcomes of their students’ learning.


Unit 1- The Healthy Individual (Ch. 5)
                Unit Question- What is health and why is it important to be health literate?
                Assessment Criteria- Social Skills and Personal Engagement
Significant Concept- Health is a combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well being.   Students will apply the three aspects of health and develop prevention skills which will promote a long and zestful life. 

Unit 2- Safety and Violence Prevention (Ch. 27, CPR)
Unit Question- How does one use decision-making skills to identify, apply, and maintain health-enhancing behaviors?
                Assessment Criteria- Use of Knowledge, Social Skills and Personal Engagement
Significant Concept- In this unit, students will engage in safe behaviors to avoid dangerous situations and to prevent injuries at home, school, and in the community.

Unit 3 – Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drug Use (Ch. 20-22, ADAP)
Unit Question- Why is it important to understand the dangers of alcohol and drug use and abuse?
                Assessment Criteria- Use of Knowledge
Significant Concept- Students will learn and discuss the consequences of smoking, drinking, and the use of other drugs.  The Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program (ADAP) will satisfy the requirements of the Georgia law to obtain a Georgia’s driver’s license.

Unit 4- Family Living and Human Sexuality (Ch. 16-17, 24)
Unit Question- How can decisions you make regarding human sexuality affect you now and in the future?
Assessment Criteria- Social Skills and Personal Engagement
Significant Concept- There are specific required objectives that are covered in this unit.  The objectives address many issues; among them are human physiology and puberty, how we perceive ourselves and our roles, recognizing and communication our feelings, making decisions, sexually transmitted diseases and their prevention including HIV/AIDS, birth control, the changing family, child-birth, teen pregnancy, and parenting.

III.           Methodology- Students will work individually or as a member of a group.  They will receive direct instruction or will have to research and report on their learning.  They will read, participate in projects, formulate creative solutions, and write and reflect on their work depending on the unit.

IV.           Methods of assessment- A wide variety of assessments are used to gauge the success of Riverwood students. These assessments can be formative or summative. At Riverwood, assessment is viewed as a continuous process that allows students, parents and teachers to have the best and most accurate information about student achievement. In this class, teachers utilize formative forms of assessment to determine student understanding. These assessments occur often during each unit. At the end of each unit a summative assessment is utilized to gauge student understanding. The summative assessment is a test, an essay, or a project assessed against the MYP criteria which allows the student, parents, and teacher to better understand student progress throughout the program. 

                General Health letter grades will be calculated using the following percentages: 
                - 30%   Tests
- 15%   Quizzes (4-10 of each)          
                - 20%   Classwork (1 per unit), Articles (4 plus 2 presentation); Mini-chapter projects/assignments
                - 25%   Projects
                - 10%   Final Exam 

V.            Grading policy including the use of MYP criteria – Riverwood adheres to the Fulton County grading policy. Traditional grade reports are sent home every 6 weeks. As an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program candidate school, RICS will use the program’s assessment criteria to report student progress. The students will be assessed at least once per semester against each of the three criteria. Reports of these scores will be sent at the end of each semester.

                No food or drink is allowed in class.  Only option is water.
You should be on time to class, prepared for participation, and cooperation. Good group participation demands that you be a good listener, as each member has a right to be heard.
You will be expected to keep a notebook for the class. All handouts, homework and class work will be placed in this notebook.  You will have notebook checks periodically for a grade.You will need to bring your notebook and writing materials every day even though much of what goes on in class will be discussions.
You will be allowed to make up work only for excused absences. No late work will be accepted. It’s the student’s responsibility to make-up all written and skill-based assignments within one week of his/her excused absence. Absences including field trips, visitations, sickness, pre-arranged meetings need to be made up to receive credit. Refer to the Make-up Policy in the Student Handbook.
The final exam will be comprehensive and will cover all material received and covered in class.
Cell phones, I-pods, or any other electronic devices are not to be exposed or used during class time unless otherwise permitted by the instructor. Any time an electronic device is seen or heard disciplinary actions noted in the student handbook will be followed.